Terms of Use

The terms of use described herein may change without prior notice and apply to the use of the NETHUBER platform which we will call "system", deployed and available for each user to make use of it, in accordance with the specifications offered, which may be modified without prior notice. The user is the one who accesses to consult information and/or use the registry to create his/her profile and to publish his/her own information.

The use of the system has been designed for intuitive use and shall be governed by the following rules which the user implicitly accepts by making inquiries or registering:

  1. The system will be available to customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless a maintenance period is reported in a timely manner.
  2. Each registered user will provide truthful information and agrees to keep it up to date.
  3. The information may be modified to the extent required by the user, by the user.
  4. Each registered user will have a unique address (URL) in the system.
  5. The user shall not attempt to breach the security of the system.
  6. The information published by each user shall be published within the framework of the constitution and laws of each country, assuming that any violation thereof shall be the sole responsibility of each user.
  7. The system administrators may suspend indefinitely the use of the system to a particular user if a violation of these rules is observed.
  8. Do not use company names or trademarks in aliases, unless you own them.